Ornamentation according to Tartini
This month we have been busy with Tartini’s ornamentation treatise. First we talked about trills and other ornaments, as helpfully described by him:
Tartini also talks about so-called natural modes. These are ornaments that even unschooled “amateur” musicians are automatically making, given that they have ‘Nature’s gift for music’. Tartini made a list of these natural modes and we thought it would be fascinating to learn some. Each comes with a particular basic melody and bass; to practice these, we have written our very own Tartini Air to practice the Modes. You can find the score here:
Air_to_practice_the_Natural_Modes_of_Signor_Tartini v2
Air_to_practice_the_Natural_Modes_of_Signor_Tartini v2 with notation space (you can notate ornaments in an empty stave)
And a play-along to practice with:
Here are the challenge videos: