Pieces de Clavecin – Ornament table D’Anglebert
Pieces de Clavecin – Ornament table D’Anglebert
A modern version of the table is here:
D'Anglebert does not give any written explanation, but he does give more different symbols and ornaments than any other author.
A few remarks on what struck me:
-there is a difference between a tremblement and a cadence, in some treatises these are used interchangeably
-the Double cadence starts differently, depending on whether a trill follows! (line 1, examples 5 vs. 7)
-there is a tièrce coulé going up (line 2, example 7)
-there is a slide option over a fourth (line 2, example 10)
-a 'detaché' or little rest / articulation before a trill or mordent is also an 'ornament' (line 3, final examples)
At the end of the Pieces there is a little 'school for accompanying', or in other words how to play basso continuo. It is transcribed here with modern clefs by Tom O Drisceoil.
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